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Maintanance completed ( July 12, 2018)

Forums Dark Omen News Maintanance completed ( July 12, 2018)

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  FuNNy_KiJiN 6 years ago.

  • Author
  • #1297


    Greetings, warriors!

    We are glad to announce that the maintenance has been successfully completed and the servers are available.

    Also, on servers 1 and 2 were started a several profitable events which will help to boost your hero strength!

    1’st server:
    Starsky Treasury. (new)
    Daily Topup.
    Grand Update.

    2’nd server:
    Daily Topup.
    Single Topup.
    Topup Benefits.

    More info about events you could find on our forum – https://goo.gl/oYB6U2

    Have a good game!

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