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History of Westeros

Forums Game of Thrones News History of Westeros

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Мурк 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #19468


    The tale of the struggle for the Iron Throne of Westeros is an epic fantasy saga that has captured the interest of millions around the globe.
    Eddard Stark allows King Baratheon to name him Hand of the King and heads south with his two daughters and the royal family. Meanwhile, someone tries to assassinate Ned’s son Bran. Ned’s wife, Catelyn, rushes to meet her husband in King’s Landing to alert him. Upon returning to her ancestral castle, she kidnaps Tyrion Lannister, whom she believes to be behind the plot, inspiring hatred among his family members. Back in the capital, Ned learns that it was not the king that fathered the queen’s children but her brother. Stark gives the queen time to flee the city; instead, she orchestrates her husband’s death, during a hunting trip, and accuses Ned of treason. Joffrey, the queen’s cruel and vengeful son, becomes king and has Ned beheaded without ceremony.
    Ned Stark’s execution launches a bloody war in the Seven Kingdoms. While hostile parties attempt to take over the North, and Northerners yearn for revenge, the insidious Lannisters gain control of the entire kingdom. Now, only a young lord can stop the war, protect the people from the White Walkers, and save Westeros…

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