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Guide – Champion City Siege

Forums Game of Thrones Guides Guide – Champion City Siege

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Agent008 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #50582


    Champion City Siege

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    The system selects several kingdoms to participate in the battle. Eligible lords enter the battlefield to participate in the event.

    The player who holds the Great City for the longest time during the Battle of the Overlords receives the title of Overlord, special privileges, and a reward.

    Conditions for participation in the Battle of the Lords:

    • Upgrade the castle to level 25
    • Have a master’s invitation
    • The Kingdom is not in the status of a truce at the time of the start of preparations

    Stages of events

    1. Preparation

    After selecting the opponents, the preparation stage begins. The previous overlord loses his rank, players enter the battlefield and place their troops. An invitation from the overlord is required for placement.

    2. Fighting

    Players will compete for the great city on the battlefield.

    3. Calculation

    At the end of the battle, the results are summed up and the player who owned the city the longest is determined, and he becomes the ruler.

    4. Rest

    Begins at the end of the event, at which time the overlord assigns titles and presents chests to players from his battlefield.

    The Lord’s Reward

    The reward for the rating

    At the end of the event, players are awarded a reward based on the duration of the capture.

    1st place:

    • Cavalry-Infantry Assault Badge Gold – 1
    • Dauntless Warrior coupon (30 day) – 1
    • Diamond – 500 000
    • 24 hrs Speed Up (Training) – 12

    2nd place:

    • Cavalry-Infantry Assault Badge Violet – 1
    • Diamond – 200 000
    • 24 hrs Speed Up (Training) – 8

    3rd place:

    • Cavalry-Infantry Assault Badge Blue – 2
    • Diamond – 100 000
    • 24 hrs Speed Up (Training) – 6

    The privileges of the lords:

    • The King’s grace does not apply
    • The Overlord awards titles to players from his battlefield

    The Lord gives the chests of their players from the battlefield.

    Valiant Knight (2 сундука):

    • 24 hrs Speed Up – 10
    • 100 000 Diamonds – 1

    Master Strategist (3 сундука):

    • Diamonds 50 000 – 1
    • Gold Dragons 6 000 000 – 10

    Spymaster (5 сундуков):

    • Diamonds 10 000 – 2
    • Endurance 100 – 30

    Ally Chests

    • Each chest can only be given to one Lord once
    • The Overlord can’t give the chests to himself

    Assignment of titles

    Other rules

    At the end of the Battle of the Lords, lords are transferred to a random location in their kingdom for free (or use the transfer).

    While resting, the overlord can only move to the battlefield.

    Moving to the battlefield during rest does not affect the assignment of ranks, but if the movement is carried out outside the battlefield, the rank is revoked.

    Event Rules

    • Losses on the battlefield are accounted for everywhere. The Lords use their infirmaries to heal the wounded
    • During the battle, players do not lose resources, and their heroes do not get captured
    • Kill statistics and treatment are counted in the corresponding events. Players get credit for the kills.
    • Players can apply the skills of a dragon
    • The attack of the moving troops begins after 3 seconds, the movement resumes after the battle
    • The Hall of Faces and Dungeon bonuses are active during the battle
    • Players cannot move resources during the Battle of the Overlords
    • Players cannot capture lands during the Battle of the Overlords
    • You can’t move during the Battle of the Overlords
    • Players can use precise transfer to move between their kingdom and the battlefield. Recovery – 30 min.
    • If the overlord leaves the Alliance during the battle, it does not affect the time of possession of the great city, but a second attack or capture of the city is possible only after joining the Alliance.
    • Collection time changed to 2 min, 5 min, 10 min and 60 min.

    Warring Kingdoms

    You can view the battle schedule by clicking on the special button.

    Medal Shop

    Exchange rare items in the Event Store.

    Resources are used for sharing:

    • Battle Token
    • Bravery Token

    To get:

    • Kill Soldier T3 to get Battle Token x1
    • Kill the T4 soldier to get the Battle Token x3
    • If you lose Soldier T3, you will get Bravery Token x1
    • If you lose a T4 soldier, you will get a Bravery Token x3

    Attention: rewards and items can change from event to event.

    The guide is for informational purposes only and can be supplemented or changed upon receipt of additional information.

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