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GUIDE – Arena of Honor

Forums Game of Thrones Guides GUIDE – Arena of Honor

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  • #207252


    “Arena of Honor”

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    The main houses of Westeros participate in a series of bloody battles and power games, fighting for the Iron Throne – a symbol of power and glory. And you will join them, fighting for the house you represent to win the highest glory.

    Conquer the territories of other clans and capture the City of Glory to reach the pinnacle of success!



    Each week, players can register at the Arena of Honor individually or in teams of 5 people.

    In the arena of honor, players will be divided into different factions. Players of the same faction will compete together for faction points on the world map. After each battle, the system will distribute rewards based on the faction’s points and the player’s results in battle. In addition, the player’s fame points will change depending on the faction’s score and achievements gained during the game, which will affect the player’s fame rating.

    Different fame ratings give different privileges and rewards: higher ratings get more privileges and rewards. The competitive gameplay on the world map will be continuously optimized and expanded, providing players with new experiences.

    Stages of the game

    The Arena of Honor opens every week and is divided into the following stages:

    1. The truce phase

    At this stage, players can check their rating, record, rules of the game, opening time of registration and other information.

    2. Registration phase

    At this stage, players can register for the sessions they want to participate in.
    They can register individually or as part of teams. To register a team, you need to collect the required number of players. Players of the same team will play for the same faction.

    3. The selection phase

    At this stage, the system selects the battlefield based on the rating of fame and strength of the players.
    During the matchmaking stage, players cannot perform any actions, and the battlefield opens after the match is completed.

    4. The preparation phase

    After the selection, players move on to the preparation stage, where they will be able to enter the battlefield, deploy castles, understand the situation on the battlefield and discuss tactics with other members of the faction. However, players will not be able to attack other players or castles yet.
    As soon as the players enter the battlefield and deploy their castles, a 1-hour truce agreement is announced for the castles on the world map of this server.

    5. The Battle phase

    At this stage, players can play by the rules of the world map and fight for faction points.

    6. Counting the results of the game

    At the end of the game, the system calculates faction points, personal kill points and personal treatment points according to the rules of the game on the world map and distributes the appropriate rewards. In addition, the player’s fame points and rating will change, depending on the rating of faction points and achievements obtained during the game.

    Glory Points

     1. When the gameplay first opens, the system will determine the fame points and fame rank for the player based on the rating score.
    2. After the end of one game, the system will set glory points according to the results of the faction battle, and the glory points earned by players in the same faction are the same.
    3. Faction Glory Points = Base Glory Points + Glory points for achievements.

    Basic Fame Points
    The rules for calculating basic glory points are the same in all types of gameplay, which are calculated based on the ranking of faction points.
    Basic Faction Glory Points = 10 x ({Number of participating factions}-{Ranking of faction points}+1 -Math.floor(({Number of participating factions}+1)/2))
    When ranking faction points, if two factions have the same number of points, the one who reached this score first takes a higher place.

    Glory points for achievements
    Different game processes have different set achievements. When the specified achievement is achieved, it additionally increases or decreases the glory points.

    4. The system will determine the player’s fame rank based on the player’s fame points.
    5. The first time a player reaches the specified rank in each season, they can receive a one-time rank reward.

    About the world map

    Description of the event

    Fractions: 3-6
    Faction members: 5-10
    Preparation time: 5 minutes
    Battle time: 55 minutes

    Defend your castle together with other clan members. To strengthen your clan, capture and upgrade fortresses, as well as take possession of altars and get various bonuses for this. Conquer the territories of other clans and capture the City of Glory to reach the pinnacle of success!


     1. Entrance

    After the preparation stage, players select troops and enter the battle. Only those troops that are stationed in the city can be brought to the battle map, while each player can withdraw troops of no more than 3,000,000.
    All available commanders in the city and the player’s dragon join the battle with the player. The bonuses of the player’s army are fixed when entering the battle map. The bonuses received after that will not be valid during the battle.
    Players must build their castles on the territory of their faction. After the construction is completed, a truce for 1 hour will be activated on the world map for the castles.

     2. Belonging to a faction

    Players are randomly assigned to factions, while those who have registered a team fall into the same faction.

     3. Glasses

    Faction points can be obtained when a location is captured for the first time or held for a long time.
    If a faction’s castle is captured, that faction pays 20% of its points to the players who captured the castle.
    If a faction captures the City of Glory, all other factions pay 20% of their points to the players who captured it.

     4. Counting the results

    At the end of the battle, rewards are distributed depending on the faction’s points. The number of players’ fame points will also vary depending on the rating and achievements of the faction. In addition, players receive glory coins for destroying enemies and healing.

     5. Capture of structures

    After defeating the troops defending the structure, the structure is considered captured. If the troops that captured it then withdraw or are defeated, the structure is no longer in the status of captured. To take possession of the structure, the player must hold it until the end of the capture timer, after which the structure enters a protective period for a while.
    During the defensive period, faction players can send defensive troops into the structure, while other factions cannot attack it.
    Different structures have different time on the capture timer and different protection period.

     6. Locks

    After the preparation stage, players build castles on the battle map. During this period, attacking other players’ castles is not possible.


    If a faction gets any achievement, it can earn additional rewards for glory points. The achievements that can be obtained are listed below:

    Locations on the map

    1. In the center of the map is the City of Glory, which periodically conducts attacks on all factions that are not allies.
    2. Each clan has an original castle. The clan castle periodically attacks the castles of another clan. By default, it attacks the next castle. If the next castle is captured by the player’s faction, it attacks the previous clan castle. If the previous clan castle is also captured by the player’s faction, he begins an attack on the City of Glory, which is located in the center of the map.
    3. The clan Castle sends troops to attack the City of Glory, even if the City of Glory is captured by other factions.
    4. By capturing fortresses around the clan castle, they can be modified to enhance the offensive and defensive capabilities of the castle or directly to gain faction points.
    5. There are a large number of altars in the central part of the map. By capturing them, you can get various bonuses.

    About the building


    By capturing the altar, you can get various bonuses. For example:

    About the season

    At the end of the season, the rewards will be distributed based on the player’s rating by fame points and the highest rank achieved during the season. Meanwhile, the player’s fame points and rank will also be reset based on the player’s final score.

    Rewards for the rating of the season

    The rewards are distributed depending on the final rating of the players by fame points.

    Rank 1:

    • Source of Honor – 150
    • Glory Coins – 15 000
    • Diamonds 10 000 – 10
    • 7 days Speed Up – 5
    • City of Glory (60 Days) Exchange Coupon – 1

    Rank 2:

    • Source of Honor – 120
    • Glory Coins – 12 000
    • Diamonds 3 000 – 20
    • 7 days Speed Up – 4
    • City of Glory (30 Days) Exchange Coupon – 1

    Rank 3:

    • Source of Honor – 100
    • Glory Coins – 10 000
    • Diamonds 2 000 – 20
    • 7 days Speed Up – 3
    • City of Glory (30 Days) Exchange Coupon – 1

    Rank 4-10:

    • Source of Honor – 80
    • Glory Coins – 8 000
    • Diamonds 1 000 – 20
    • 3 days Speed Up – 5
    • City of Glory (7 Days) Exchange Coupon – 1

    Rank 11-30:

    • Source of Honor – 70
    • Glory Coins – 7 000
    • Diamonds 1 000 – 15
    • 3 days Speed Up – 4
    • City of Glory (3 Days) Exchange Coupon – 1

    Rank 31-50:

    • Source of Honor – 60
    • Glory Coins – 6 000
    • Diamonds 800 – 15
    • 24 hrs Speed Up – 10

    Rank 51-100:

    • Source of Honor – 50
    • Glory Coins – 5 000
    • Diamonds 800 – 12
    • 24 hrs Speed Up – 9

    Rank 101-300:

    • Source of Honor – 40
    • Glory Coins – 4 000
    • Diamonds 800 – 10
    • 24 hrs Speed Up – 8

    Seasonal Class Rewards

    The rewards are distributed according to the highest class of players of the season.


    • Source of Honor – 5
    • Diamonds 500 – 20
    • Goat Meat – 40
    • 8 hrs Speed Up – 2


    • Source of Honor – 7
    • Diamonds 800 – 15
    • Deer Meat – 20
    • 8 hrs Speed Up – 3


    • Source of Honor – 10
    • Diamonds 1 000 – 15
    • Deer Meat – 40
    • 24 hrs Speed Up – 1
    • Avatar Frame Knight – 1


    • Source of Honor – 15
    • Diamonds 2 000 – 10
    • Ox Meat – 20
    • 24 hrs Speed Up – 2
    • Avatar Frame Lord – 1


    • Source of Honor – 25
    • Diamonds 3 000 – 10
    • Ox Meat – 40
    • 3 days Speed Up – 1
    • Avatar Frame King – 1

    Glory King:

    • Source of Honor – 50
    • Diamonds 10 000 – 5
    • Black Bear Meat – 20
    • 7 days Speed Up – 1
    • Avatar Frame Glory King – 1


    Reward for faction points

    After the tournament, the rewards are distributed according to the points earned by each faction. Please note that only players who have earned points can receive faction points.

    Faction Points 1,000:

    • Source of Honor – 1
    • Glory Coins – 500
    • Goat Meat – 2
    • Mark of the True Dragon – 1
    • 3 hrs Speed Up – 1

    Faction Points 10,000:

    • Source of Honor – 2
    • Glory Coins – 1 000
    • Goat Meat – 20
    • Mark of the True Dragon – 2
    • 3 hrs Speed Up – 2

    Faction Points 20,000:

    • Source of Honor – 3
    • Glory Coins – 1 500
    • Deer Meat – 10
    • Mark of the True Dragon – 4
    • 8 hrs Speed Up – 1

    Faction Points 40,000:

    • Source of Honor – 4
    • Glory Coins – 2 000
    • Deer Meat – 15
    • Mark of the True Dragon – 6
    • 8 hrs Speed Up – 2

    Faction Points 60,000:

    • Source of Honor – 6
    • Glory Coins – 3 000
    • Deer Meat – 20
    • Mark of the True Dragon – 8
    • 24 hrs Speed Up – 1

    Faction Points 80,000:

    • Source of Honor – 8
    • Glory Coins – 4 000
    • Ox Meat – 10
    • Mark of the True Dragon – 12
    • 24 hrs Speed Up – 2

    Faction Points 100,000:

    • Source of Honor – 10
    • Glory Coins – 5 000
    • Ox Meat – 12
    • Mark of the True Dragon – 16
    • 3 days Speed Up – 1

    Faction Points 120,000:

    • Source of Honor – 12
    • Glory Coins – 6 000
    • Ox Meat – 14
    • Mark of the True Dragon – 20
    • 3 days Speed Up – 1

    Faction Points 150,000:

    • Source of Honor – 14
    • Glory Coins – 7 000
    • Ox Meat – 16
    • Mark of the True Dragon – 25
    • 3 days Speed Up – 2

    Faction Points 180,000:

    • Source of Honor – 16
    • Glory Coins – 8 000
    • Ox Meat – 20
    • Mark of the True Dragon – 30
    • 7 days Speed Up – 1

    Rating reward for faction points

    After the tournament, players gain or lose glory points depending on their faction’s score rating. See the calculation formula below:

    Faction Glory Points = 10 x (participating factions – Faction score ratings + 1 -Math.floor ((participating factions +1)/2))

    Rewards for the kill rating

    After the tournament, players will receive glory coins based on their overall destruction rating. Glory coins can be used to buy various items in the glory store.

    Rewards for the Healing rating

    After the tournament, players will receive glory coins based on their overall healing rating.


    Event Store

    1. The Battle Shop will be available after the opening of the battlefield. There, players can buy various combat items.
    2. If there are unspent combat items left after the tournament, all items will be recycled and their cost will be fully reimbursed.

    The absence of an opponent

    1. After you receive your tournament pass, the used entrance tickets will be returned to you by mail. You will also receive some compensation.
    2. Getting a pass is the same as participating in a tournament, so you won’t lose fame points if you miss too many tournaments.

    Activating the truce

    After entering the battlefield, a truce is declared in the kingdoms of the unions. If the truce has already been active, then its time is no longer spent.

    Changing the world map

    Once on the battlefield, you can switch to your city or the world map of this server at any time without leaving the battlefield.

    Summing up points

    Points for destroying enemies and healing allies during battle are not combined with points in other events.

    Other rules

    1. Field Hospital

    During the competition, all soldiers do not die, but end up in a field hospital. In a field hospital, wounded soldiers recover faster and do not require resources.

    The wounds of soldiers on the battlefield do not affect the condition of soldiers in their native lands.

    1. Marche

    In the Arena of Glory, the speed of the march will be increased.

    1. Increasing attributes

    The increase in attributes from the War Madman, the Thousand-Year-Old Wall, the Seven Sacred Temples, Prisons do not work in the Arena of Glory. The increase in attributes obtained after entering the battlefield is not taken into account in the attributes of the battlefield, including: technology system, dragon system, Thousand-Year Wall, commander system, quest system, lords system, forge system, castle skins, troop skins, Seven Sacred Temples, commander communication system.

    1. Requirements for participation

    To participate in the Arena of Glory, the server must be open for 180 days, and the level of the main castle has reached level 25.

    1. Inequality in the number of factions

    In order to allow more people to participate in this game, in rare cases there may be situations where the number of people in a certain faction exceeds the number of people in other factions by one.

    Training for beginners

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    There are 5 training lessons available to you.

    Glory Class

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    A reward is available to you weekly, depending on the class. Also here you can see the privileges that a particular class gives.

    Glory Shop

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    Exchange Glory Coins for useful items in the Event Store.

    The products will be updated periodically. The number of items for exchange is limited.

    Attention: Rewards and tasks may vary from event to event.

    The guide is for informational purposes only and can be changed upon receipt of additional information.

    Have a nice game!

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