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Guide – Anniversary 2022

Forums League of Angels: Heaven’s Fury Guides Guide – Anniversary 2022

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  MarkSnow 1 year, 9 months ago.

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  • #76752



    Available by icon

    Anniversary Flip Card

    To participate in the event, a Shifter Voucher item is required.

    You can get it by fulfilling certain conditions, or buy it in the event itself.

    Also, additional Vouchers and rewards can be obtained in Events for various activities.

    Available by icon

    During the draw, players will receive various gifts.

    One random item is guaranteed for each participation:

    • 100 Pink diamonds – x10 
    • Stellar meteorite – x40 
    • 100 Pink diamonds – x20 .
    • The key to the storage – x5 
    • 50,000 Diamonds – x5 
    • The key to the storage – x15
    • 50,000 Diamonds – x10 
    • Completion stone – x30 
    • Stellar meteorite – x20
    • Completion stone – x60

    To receive the reward required to create Pandora’s Box, it must be presented on the field 3 times.

    You will also receive Event Points for participation. The more points you get, the more additional rewards you can collect.


    60 points:

    • 50,000 Diamonds – x100 

    140 points:

    • 1,000 Pink diamonds – x100 

    240 points:

    • Treasure box of the gods – x1 

    360 points:

    • Treasure box of the gods – x1 

    480 points:

    • Treasure box of the gods – x1 

    600 points:

    • Crystal of the lord – x150

    The treasure box of the gods can be exchanged for excellent rewards in the Anniversary Store.


    You can create a Pandora’s Box, which is a certificate for participation in the Anniversary Contest.

    To do this, you will need:

    • Dragoon doll – x1 pc.
    • Magician doll – x1 pc.
    • Archer-doll – x1 pc.

    Warning: The unused Pandora’s Box will disappear at the end of the event.

    Anniversary Contest

    Take part in the competition and win awards!

    You need a Pandora’s Box to participate.

    Press the Start button and move to a special location with the boss.

    By defeating the boss, you can win one of the awards:

    • Divine origin of an angel – x100
    • Crystal of Divine Light – x1
    • Crystal of dawn – x1
    • Dragon Crystal – x1 
    • Fashion Master – Suit – x1 
    • Fashion Master – Divine Weapon – x1

    Anniversary Celebration Store

    Exchange various event items for gifts in the Store.

    Attention: the number of exchanges is limited.

    Can be exchanged:

    • Master Fashion Set – 3 Treasure Boxes of the Gods
    • Fashion Master – Divine Weapons – 2 Treasure Boxes of the Gods
    • Fashion Master – Costume – 2 Treasure Boxes of the Gods
    • Crystal of the Lord x100 – 1 Treasure box of the gods
    • Dragon Crystal – 1 Treasure Box of the Gods
    • Crystal of Divine Light – 1 Treasure Box of the Gods
    • Crystal of Dawn x5 – 1 Treasure box of the gods
    • Dragoon Doll – 1 Christmas voucher (any)
    • Doll-magician – 1 Christmas voucher (any)
    • Archer Doll – 1 Christmas Voucher (any)
    • 50,000 Diamonds – 1 Dragoon Doll
    • 50,000 Diamonds – 1 Magic Doll
    • 50,000 Diamonds – 1 archer doll
    • 100 Pink Diamonds – 1 Dragoon Doll
    • 100 Pink Diamonds – 1 Magician Doll
    • 100 Pink Diamonds – 1 archer doll

    Attention: After the end of the event, all event items will become unavailable.

    The guide is for informational purposes only and can be changed upon receipt of additional information.

  • #109062


    Thank you! this is just the guide i was looking for

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