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game down

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Kleinduimpje 2 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #129228


    The game has been black for most of today as it was December 25th and part of the 26th. the lack of actual caring and fixing people’s missed rewards is nonexistent. in saying so that lack of fixing has caused myself and I know many others to not care about this game knowing that the will to help is not there. what you do get are these form answers and non helpful explanations

  • #129275



    Yesterday the game was undergoing technical work. A problem arose during the work. Developers are working on a solution. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

    • #129277


      I dislike it when we need to ask whats wrong instead of you poeple giving us the feed-back and information we need to know.
      I want to NOTE that their are weekley goals in game that i will not get due to this MALLfunction .And the damage will not be given back ore again a 10k gold?
      Also want to say due to last server down that server 33 lost all its players.
      Still my opinion is that the game is good to play and has opportunity’s.

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