From November 17 to 19, hit the jackpot at the «Angel’s Fortune» event.
The event is available for players from level 30 and above.

Play the slot machine using Fortune Voucher.
3 free Fortune Voucher are available daily, the rest can be obtained in various ways, including purchase for Diamonds.
For each attempt you will receive a reward or Fortune Coin, which can be exchanged for useful items in the Coin Shop.
The best rewards await those players who can receive special combinations.
Available rewards:
- Starfall Sigil
- Dawn of Glory Sigil
- Inscription Stone
- Divine Sanctuary Gem
- и многое другое
Rewards may vary from event to event.
Note: Fortune Coin and Fortune Voucher disappear after the event.
Read more about the event in the guide.
From November 19 to 21, spin the «X-Server Roulette» wheel.

Regular and elite roulette are available.
Spin the wheel, place bets, and get rewards for points and rating.
And in the special event store, you can exchange the received chips for rare and useful items.
For participating in the event, You can get:
- Build scroll
- Part of the tower Key
- Amulet forging stone
- Drawings of equipment
- Chests of gems
- Part Of the ring of truth
- and much more
You can get to know so much more about this in the guide.
Have a nice game!