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Does teeth whitening really work?

Forums Dark Omen Discussions Does teeth whitening really work?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  30347822 3 years, 3 months ago.

  • Author
  • #69447


    Does teeth whitening really work?

  • #69609


    Depends on the method that you use. I like to use ZOOM https://bleach-infiniter.com/infinity-zoom-dental/ and it works pretty well for me. This method is a more perfect progressive whitening system, which, in addition to having no drawbacks, saves the patient’s time in the dental chair and gently affects the deep and superficial layers of the teeth.

  • #69648


    Well, the answer is a definite YES! Many dental clinics provide you with teeth whitening these days to get rid of any pigmentation, discoloration, or any other visible problems with your teeth.

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