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Does Motsognir bless still exist?

Forums Dark Genesis Does Motsognir bless still exist?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ★ James ★ 2 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #80302


    I just noticed the extra tab on forge and found exclusive gear forging. It takes three sets of six star armour to
    forge one set of exclusive armour.Then you can choose to turn three sets of exclusive armour to gold slot exclusive armour. Does Motsognir bless still exist, If not it will take a lot of time to create exclusive armour for heroes. If this option is not active anymore is there going to be a replacement so both ptp and ftp players can grade up more quickly?

  • #90618


    no it not exist cos game rips all off and even creating is hard as we will fail with such low sucess rate as game wants us to spend for those protectors as cash all these cheaters care about and free play is pointless

  • #95342

    ★ James ★

    Hey, haven’t you enjoyed by participating this event yet? 🙂

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