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"Direct Purchase" not available?

Forums League of Angels 3 Technical issues "Direct Purchase" not available?

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Agent008 4 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #37642


    Hello, I have been able to purchase topaz before however, I am unable to buy anything with direct purchase. I just receive a message that says “Not available yet”. This is the same for the functions: “Direct Shop” and “Angel Pass” which I would like to purchase.

    Is there a level requirement I must reach before being able to make direct purchases, or is it unavailable to do so in my country? (Australia)

    Character Name: Trinity
    Server: S30-Daybreak-EST
    Guild: Epicureans

  • #37646



    Please read the news.

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