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didnt receive commander medals

Forums Game of Thrones Technical issues didnt receive commander medals

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Agent008 2 years, 7 months ago.

  • Author
  • #71511


    character name is TheStranger7 ……..


    Dec 2, 2021, 2:17 GMT+3

    made 4 purchases of Latz Karin Packs … 2021-12-01 17:12:34 …… 2021-11-30 21:01:01 …… 21-11-30 20:58:34 ….. 21-11-30 20:56:56 …. i don’t think i got all the medals that were supposed to come…. there should have been 50 in total i believe…. i believe i only got 25 in total even though the mails show i received all….. i thought i bought enough to advance her quality to Green level…. but i think i only got 10 to awaken her and there is only 15 there to advance her quality when i think there should be 40 left…. can you help me out with this?…. i’m not sure if i’ve done something wrong or missed something in the purchase description

  • #71525



    Be careful – some packs may contain not medals, but tokens.
    If you are sure that you bought the medals, please write a request to the support service indicating the nickname and screenshots of packs or letters with rewards for purchasing packs.

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