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Congratulations on anniversary!

Forums League of Angels 3 News Congratulations on anniversary!

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Мурк 4 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #36850


    Brave heroes!

    Today we celebrate anniversary of the beginning of the Elisium game. It’s been a while since the very firsts of you applied to League of Angels calling to join the army troops which fight against the demons of Lord Balerian. You’ve been fighting the evil’s powers bravery, passed thousands of dungeons looking for powerful guns and perfect gear, learnt to tame driving animals and collect mysterious relics, done battle in thousands of battles and participated in thousands of events, found friends and faithful companions in he game.
    It’s thanks to you League of Angels is still able to fight against army of the Dragon’s Master. Each of you has done a lot of priceless things to establish bright Elisium’s future.
    Holiday events are already waiting for you in the game. They would allow to celebrate this memorable day.
    We are happy that you are with us and we’re sure that a lot of epical battles and meaningful winnings are waiting for us ahead.

    Elisium’s future is in your hands!

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