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Character Missing – Imajica

Forums Rise of Dragons Technical issues Character Missing – Imajica

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Greta s1 4 years, 10 months ago.

  • Author
  • #17725

    Greta s1

    This is Imajica server 1 guild leader. For two days now she can not log onto her character. When she goes to server1 page it is not there. Would you please fix this so she can log on her evo 14 character. She has spent much money on her character and any help would be appreciated. This is her Guild Leader Gretel asking for help from support.

  • #17733


    Imajica still can’t log into server 1!!!! I am really upset!!!

  • #17787

    Greta s1

    This problem has been fixed and thank you anyhow. Please disregard this ticket and u can close it.

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