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Browser issue

Forums Game of Thrones Technical issues Browser issue

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Agent008 3 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #45987


    I am using Chrome and it says Achtung etc and won’t let me back in

  • #45990


    Try clearing your browser cache, reinstalling or updating your browser. Check the problem in another browser.

  • #46017

    please right now its doing what i allways tell you the character of tyrio n and ofering me to get a browser of he’s wright ,my browser was working fine after i left yesterday and wen i tryed t get back before i wen to bed i wanted to check my progress gathering on the castle and troops , this happends againg wen im on the game i dont see any comments of you developers or tech support fixing the loggins or the issues of other things like the sound of wen you click on squares in the elite , normal or daily , wich some times i dont hear allso opening windows , theme music is ok some times dragon sound is not heard and other like wen you win or wen you level up does kind of things , please , are you on tonight miss i really need to log in ,i need youre help you can conntact me tru my profile

    thank you

  • #46023


    Did you write a request to the technical support service? What’s your ticket number?

    • #46932

      Did you write a request to the technical support service? What’s your ticket number?

      Yes I Did Many Timmes, Here There Are, Saying New, Means Not Checked by you’re Tech Sopport, #41168, #41273, #41379, #41472, #41508, An Now, #46930.

      Please I Need You To Help Me, Every time I’ve Been Adresseing This, And Im Wasteting Time Right Now, In My Day Or Night To Comply To The Acomplishing Of, The Task Of My Alliance Time And Game, Please I Need This To Be Resolved, If You Can, Ok, You’re Tech Support And Developer’s Needs To Be On Track Of Thease Problems.

      I Know You All, Want To Make Updates To Improve The Game Experience, But This Is Allso Part Of The Process Of Beeing On The Game, With out Player’s Loging In, In The Time Sugested in The Activity Logs ,I Can’t Get The Rewards Like, Of The Avatar’s Frame, And Other’s Aliked, And That Is Not Something You’re Support Or Dev Is Not Going To Like. Please You Can Respond To Me By Looking At My Profile: Edward Thillet Reyes, For More
      Info On This Matter, Thank You.

  • #46940


    I passed the information to the technical support service.

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