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Forums Dragon Lord Technical issues Flash Reply To: Flash



Thank you Maeve, this is what is posted on DA DC

GM Komo: “The end of Flash is coming soon. Flash will no longer be supported by Adobe in any browsers after December 31st 2020, it means that any games and websites using Flash will no longer be accessible after 1/1/2021 on Facebook and 6/30/2021 on Gameroom.
Dragon Awaken Official Client will be released in September. After downloading it you will be able to log in with your Facebook account and continue your adventure without losing any progress!
Stay tuned to out official Facebook Page for any updates regarding the Client. You can keep playing Dragon Awaken on Facebook or Gameroom but remember to download the Client before the Flash support ends.” posted Mon 31AUG20

Yes, we are aware of this announcement. We are already working on the distribution of downloadable client for DL to place it on our web-site so that every player could use it.

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