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Can't get game to run.

Forums League of Angels: Heaven’s Fury Technical issues Can't get game to run.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Agent008 3 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #48803


    I’ve been having a problem getting the game to run. I get the first in game screen then everything just freezes and won’t let me do anything. I’ve tried deleting the game and reloading, with no results. I tried just logging out and back in after waiting for a few minutes, I’ve shut my computer down , let it sit for as little as a few minutes and as long as 3 hours, before restarting and logging in. Nothing I’ve tried works to do anything but start the game and have it freeze up within just a few seconds. When I do get in, I spend a lot of time in game working on my own game and with others helping them progress as well. When I do take a break from the game, this is what I come back to. I would appreciate any help or suggestions to get my game to work. In case you’re wondering, I don’t have any problems with any other aspect of my computer’s operation, just this game.

    Thanks for your efforts in clearing this problem up,
    Alexava Lawrence.

  • #48810



    Open explorer and paste in the address bar field the link below –

    C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming (where USERNAME is indicated – enter your computer name)

    C:\Users\Артем\AppData\Roaming – The computer name can be viewed in the system properties.

    In this location there will be a folder EspritGames https://prnt.sc/w7z4pr, delete it, and uninstall the client itself via Add or Remove Programs. Restart your computer and try installing again. Report the result.

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