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How to Build a 1-to-1 Video Chat App with Java or Kotlin

Forums Technical issues How to Build a 1-to-1 Video Chat App with Java or Kotlin

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  42739278 8 months, 3 weeks ago.

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  • #172122


    Java and Koltin are both well-suited for building Android apps. You may choose any one of these languages for your app development process, depending on your requirements.

    What You’ll Need:
    1. Create Your Android App Project
    2. Download Your Video Chat SDKs
    3. Import the Dependencies into your Project
    4. Add the App Modules
    5. Provide Manifest Permissions
    6. Authenticate the Video Chat SDK
    How to Perform the gradle sync?
    7. Initialize Your Chat SDK
    8. Register an App User
    9. Connect Chat SDK to MirrorFly Server
    10. Initialize Call SDK

    Read more on One-on-One video chat app using Java

  • #222956


    Building a 1-to-1 video chat app with Java or Kotlin can be an real estate digital decluttering services exciting project! Consider utilizing WebRTC for real-time communication, along with libraries like Twilio or Agora for added functionality. Focus on user experience, ensuring smooth video streaming and reliable connectivity. Don’t forget to handle security aspects like encryption and authentication carefully. Utilizing frameworks like Android’s CameraX can simplify handling video input. Good luck with your development journey!

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