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  • 28.08.2020

    Guide – Veteran Summon

    Veteran Summon Event available by icon Event duration – 5 days. Drop rate of mercenary increased! To participate in the event requires an object Improved Summoning Scroll. You can summon...
    tags: ,
  • 28.08.2020

    Guide – Chilly Summer Event

    Chilly Summer Ceremony Event available by icon  Event duration – 5 days. Festival Accumulative Recharge Make recharge of game currency during the event and get rewards! Accumulative Recharge 2 000 Diamonds:...
    tags: ,
  • 27.08.2020

    Update 27.08.2020

    Hello, my Lord! The Maesters from Maester's Tower have completed the update. Here are the contents of this update: 1. Functionality Added a new "Wedding" feature. Now, lords and ladies...
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