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Update 14.12.2023

Forums Game of Thrones News Update 14.12.2023

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  White Dragon 1 year, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #207667

    White Dragon

    Hello, my Lord!
    The Maesters from Maester’s Tower have completed the update.

    Have fun and prepare for the winter!
    Here are the contents of this update:

    1. New Content
    • Added Conversion Shop in “Commander” – “Greensight” menu, spare honor medal items can be recycled in the shop.

    2. Improvements

    • As we have previously announced through mail, in order to reduce the stress from tight schedule and make the event more flexible for participants, a few adjustments will be conducted to Ultimate Conquest starting from this season, such as the maximum number of members that can enter the battlefield per match is adjusted to 70 (list of entrance member are selected by officials of the alliance every match). Also, we have made corresponding adjustments to the Troop limit for each participant, Quantity of obtainable Speed-ups for Healing in battle shop, and number of maximum reinforcement of individual building. For more information, please check the in-game description.
    • Slightly adjusted attributes of “Little Finger”-“Petyr Baelish” when reaching highest level in Greensight.
    • Improved gameplay of Fishing Event.
    • Improved display and gameplay of Weirwood Tree.
    1. Bug Fixes
    • Fixed the issue that sometime causes icon to be displayed incorrectly in buildings of Alliance Conquest Event.
    • Fixed the display issue with the countdown timer of “Arena of Honor”. Due to upcoming “Champion City Siege” is on 2023.12.17, the next “Arena of Honor” should start on 2024.01.07 instead.

    Get ready for winter and enjoy the battle!

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