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Name Change

Forums Dark Omen Discussions Name Change

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  FuNNy_KiJiN 6 years, 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #1535


    Everytime I try joining a new server and create my name – the game changes it to some random name. Is anyone else experiencing this? It bothers me so much, I stop playing on that server and wait for a new server hoping this will be corrected, so far no luck.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  Lobengula.
    Last edited: 31.07.2018 09:45
  • #1556


    Greetings to create a character allotted a certain time, if you open creating character window and do nothing, after some time the character will be created automatically. If you specify the name of the character and press “create”, and new character has different name (you do not receive any messages about the availability of a nickname or forbidden symbols in it), please report it to our technical support.

    Last edited: 31.07.2018 09:45
  • #1558


    I was within 8 seconds of the count down when I clicked create – and it still changed the name I had to the random – i retested with a new email address and the same thing happened. If you watch closely you will see the name switch as you click the create button

    Last edited: 31.07.2018 09:45
  • #1566


    Hi, I’ve just checked character creation and couldn’t find any bugs http://prntscr.com/ke7tgw

    Last edited: 31.07.2018 09:45

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