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Lucid dream

Forums Dragon Contract Discussions Lucid dream

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  34677109 2 months ago.

  • Author
  • #236281


    Hello everyone! I have been interested in the topic of lucid dreams for a long time and would like to start practicing. I read that there are special techniques and even gadgets that can help, for example, sleep masks with light signals. I would like to know if anyone has tried such devices? Do they really help achieve lucid sleep or is this more of a marketing ploy? I will be glad for any experience and advice!

  • #236301


    Ich empfehle Ihnen allen, einen Blick auf die Website zu werfen, auf der Sie das Angebot des SmartWood-Onlineshops mit einer Vielzahl von Möbeln für Kinder, einschließlich matratze 90×200 hart , finden. Bei Fragen finden Sie alle Informationen zum Angebot und die Kontaktdaten auf der Website.

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