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Guide – Arena

Forums League of Angels 3 Guides Guide – Arena

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Agent008 5 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #68282



    Available by the icon

    Opens on the 52-d level of the hero.

    To participate in the Arena call another gamers to the game (Challenge button).

    Attention: You can do battle quickly to save some time.

    If You win the player which has a higher rank than Yours, You are going to take his place. If You lose, You stay in the same place. You have 5 free tries per day. Additional turns can be bought for Diamonds. Quantity of additional turns depends on the VIP level.

    One time in a day You can get wishes for a player which has the first place in a rank and get a reward.

    Attention: BR of enemies in the challenge moment can be different from mentioned one as it’s updated at midnight.

    On the right side of Arena’s window You can see these indicators:

    • Rank
    • BR
    • Your highest rank on the Arena

    You can receive a trunk of reward for the passed day on everyday basis and every Monday – trunk of reward for a week.

    Results of the day get counted at midnight. Also You can have a look on battles’ Results on the Arena (watch notes and share a battle):

    Arena Shop (placed at the bottom).

    Bravery Medal is used to make purchases in the Shop. You can get it for battles in the Arena.

    • Rank Store

    This item has a limit per week.

    Limit depends on the rank You have on the Arena.

    • Materials

    This item has a limit per day.

    • Reward

    These rewards are available for buying just once during whole game. 

    Possibility to buy these opens depending on how You get the higher rank. 

    The guide can be added or changed as information becomes available.

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