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Game: The ram managment is bad

Forums League of Angels: Heaven’s Fury Technical issues Game: The ram managment is bad

This topic contains 10 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Agent008 2 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #74218


    Hello, I am facing random freezes bought pc for 899 euro with great specs but ram is 8 gb, Can you please optimize the game more? I think the game requires 16gb ram.

  • #74231



    We have already passed the information on to the developers. They are busy solving the problem.

  • #74989



    We have already passed the information on to the developers. They are busy solving the problem.

    Hopefully will be fixed soon I’ve used to play the game on Linux with WineQR but the game is so smooth but on windows looks like memory leak on the game.

  • #74996



    We also expect the problem to be resolved soon.

  • #75172


    Hello there, I found reason why the games like UI Jittering etc, I’ve disabled High Precision Event Timer (HPET).

    HPET stands for High Precision Event Timer (formerly Multimedia Timer) and has been used in PCs for a long time. It is used to produce periodic interrupts, which can be used to synchronize multimedia streams, in turn, providing smoother playback. It also reduces the need for other timestamp calculations.

    Many gamers have pointed out on forums that the HPET bug is causing problems in the gaming performance in certain situations.

    The reason for this is pretty simple. Earlier when CPUs had less clock speed and games did not use multithreading in an efficient way, the usage of HPET to retrieve incremental timestamp counter took away precious calculation power of the CPUs and significantly hurt gaming performance.

    But now that the games are efficiently using multithreading and the bottleneck of the 3D performance has shifted to the GPU, and the impact of the event timers reduced. However, game developers started using a lot of timestamp queries to measure performance for animations and movements.

    The problem has arisen because of a very slow timer interpretation of the HPET on today’s high-performance rigs. The impact of slow HPET depends on actual usage of the timer functions in the game engine and the hardware used.

    Regards, Edgars.

  • #75174



    I have submitted the information to the technicians for review. Thank you.

  • #75181


    You’re welcome, as always. I’ve heard there is a thing called game moderator. It’s still available? And yes I am developer too.

  • #75183


    You’re welcome, as always. I’ve heard there is a thing called game moderator. It’s still available? And yes I am developer too.

    And Yes, I can speak Russian too. I am from Latvia its next to Russian. My friends are russian 😀

  • #75185


    And Yes, I can speak Russian too. I am from Latvia its next to Russian. My friends are russian


    Unfortunately, we do not have a moderator( do you want to become one?)

  • #75186


    And Yes, I can speak Russian too. I am from Latvia its next to Russian. My friends are russian


    Unfortunately, we do not have a moderator( do you want to become one?)

    Sure, I am kinda active as you can see. Is there any requirements for it? Well Russian, English is not a problem for me, and I am adult.

    Just freely say thoes requirements or any “Forum” Contract is needed for sign up?

  • #75224


    Sure, I am kinda active as you can see. Is there any requirements for it? Well Russian, English is not a problem for me, and I am adult.

    Just freely say thoes requirements or any “Forum” Contract is needed for sign up?

    Hello) I wrote you a private message)

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