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Christmas events have been started!

Forums Darkmoon Realm News Christmas events have been started!

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  22258300 4 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author
  • #46205


    Good news everyone!

    We are happy to announce that the Christmas events have been started!

    1 – Gifts for entering the game.

    ☼ Come into the game every day and get great rewards!

    2 – Gifts for top-ups.

    ☼ Get additional gifts for buying diamonds.

    3 – Discounts on purchase game packs.

    4 – Spending rating.

    ☼ Players who spend more than 200,000 diamonds during the event will be able to get into the spending leaderboard and compete for great prizes.
    ☼ According to the results of the event, players in rating will receive additional rewards.
    ☼ The main prize of the event is a unique companion that will help your squad become stronger!

    We congratulate you with upcoming holidays and wish you a great mood!

    Stay with us, there are many more interesting and exciting events waiting for you!

  • #46477


    Great! It’s really a good Gift of Christmas, I am very excited to play this game in my new Gaming PC, which i recently bought through Christmas Coupons, i am also looking for the Christmas games, do you know about which one is best for Christmas?

  • #46725


    What happen to gold monkey and the rest of the gifts that we didnt get for the christmas event?

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