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Battle of the narrow sea issue

Forums Game of Thrones Discussions Battle of the narrow sea issue

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Agent008 2 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #86660



    Im Bog the Kind from K173, ID:6341068416897639933.

    In the Battle of the Narrow Sea I experienced the following problems, which made me lose rewards, hope you can help me:
    1.One day the maximum amount of tries were reduced(it sayd I already used some tried when I havent even started). I thought its an one time issue.
    2.On last day when I loged after reset it sayd that I used 3/5 tryes..and later when I loged getting ready to do them it sayd I used 5/5 of tries when I didnt even entered the battle field.

    Hope you can fix this please? And find a solution so I dont lose the rewards.

    Looking forward for an answer from you!


  • #86688



    You also wrote to technical support. You will get an answer there)

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