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V5.42.0 Main Character Ascend, X-Server PM

Forums League of Angels 3 News V5.42.0 Main Character Ascend, X-Server PM

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  Мурк 4 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #33058

    Dear warriors,
    We will release V.5.42.0 on June 16th, the servers will disconnect at around 4:35 (EST), 1:35 (PST)) for the update, please refresh the page to complete the update. The update might be ahead or behind the proposed schedule, please take the in-game scroll announcement as a standard. Check below for more details.
    New Content
    1. New feature: MC Ascend
    > Entrance: Hero – Basic info of MC
    > The main character can use the Ascend feature to increase quality and gain a large amount of BR. Ascend has a list of requirements that must be met and requires certain items.
    2. Added PM and PK battle feature for X-Servers (X-Server friend and Blocklist will be available in the future version)
    3. Outfit Augment: Lava Armor and Frozen Armor
    4. Artifact Mount: Magnificent Gryphon – Awakened
    5. Artifact Relic: Stellar Guidance
    6. Mythic Wings: Wings of Preservation
    Game Improvements
    1. Added Mythic+ Ascend Stone to the Ultimate rewards of Ancient Treasure, which can be used to improve the quality of MC to Mythic+
    2. Added “Activated” prompt to Titles when you activated them
    3. Improved the display of Divine Arma Carving Panel
    4. Fixed some known bugs


    ​Please note that the above content might be adjusted due to changes in the development plan. Final updates will be determined in-game

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