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Ultimate Levels

Forums Dragon Lord Guides Ultimate Levels

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Van Mora 4 years, 6 months ago.

  • Author
  • #22398


    How do you get to Ult Level 2 and beyond?

  • #22399

    Van Mora

    You have to fight monsters in ancient catacomb. On monday you recieve a certain amount of ultimate crystals which let you upgrade your level. If you rank number 1, you recieve 25. Number 2, 20. Number 3-51 15. For each ultimate level, you also need to have 10 more talents. ultimate level 1 = 10 talents total. Ultimate level 2 = 20 talents total. You can upgrade you talent level in the skill icon. You will need gold and exp for it.

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