The physiological condition of sleep is normal and necessary, during which the body and mind heal. It is distinguished by particular patterns of brain activity, a brief suspension of awareness, and decreased reactivity to outside stimuli. The body performs a number of essential tasks that support general health and wellbeing when we sleep.
Sleep is essential for the body’s ability to sustain immune system function, regenerate and repair damaged tissues, and solidify memories. It is essential to both mental and physical healing.Sleep has a role in the control of a number of physiological processes, such as hormone release, metabolism, and the preservation of a normal circadian rhythm.
The cyclical nature of sleep involves several phases, such as rapid eye movement sleep (REM) and non-REM sleep. Every stage has unique qualities, and these cycles continue all night long.The brain continues to function when you sleep, coordinating functions including hormone management, emotional processing, and memory consolidation. Certain brain wave patterns are linked to certain phases of sleep.