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Unable to login to game on client

Forums Game of Thrones Technical issues Unable to login to game on client

This topic contains 12 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by  Agent008 2 years, 10 months ago.

  • Author
  • #78914


    Game name: Boann
    Public Server

    OK here goes. 2 updates ago whenever I’d try to go outside the castle much of what I saw was “PINK” screen. After a lot of searching for solutions, I discovered Esprit no longer works on Google due that you or Google(not sure which one) no longer supports Adobe. So, I was directed to your game client, loader_en. Followed directions, easy enough. After an hour the thing wanted my email and password. OK.
    Here is where it gets really irritating. The client starts to load the game, screenshots exceeded 512kb and can’t be sent, then at 21%, a white page loaded. No reason why, just a white page with the Esprit logo in the upper left corner. Waited 2 hours, no loading, no gameplay.
    On the web browser I can still play inside the castle, but nothing outside. If this can’t be resolved, I’m going to have to abandon the game. I worked hard and put a lot of time in. I will miss it.

  • #78917



    The game only works in the browser and does not use flash.
    The game does not work in our game client at the moment.

    Try updating your browser, changing settings, and clearing your browser cache.

  • #78926


    Did all that before trying the client. It’s curious that an unworking client is offered, seriously why would that be done?
    That you for responding, Goodbye Game of Thrones.

  • #78927



    The game is developed in html 5 format. It does not require a game client to work.

    Try increasing virtual memory.

    To change the size of your page file, navigate to the “System” section of the Windows Control Panel. Open “Advanced System Settings” and navigate to the “Advanced” tab. Click the “Settings” button under the “Performance” section to open another window. Click on the new window’s “Advanced” tab, and click “Change” under the “Virtual Memory” section.

  • #80663


    no login possible in game. please fix suddenly. thanks

  • #80678


    no login possible in game. please fix suddenly. thanks


    Please explain the problem in more detail. What exactly happens when you try to enter the game?
    Attach screenshots for clarity.

  • #81673



    Today I am getting a message that says the host server can not be found, when trying to load up the game.

  • #81684




    Today I am getting a message that says the host server can not be found, when trying to load up the game.

    im having same issue

  • #81716



    Yesterday there was a DDoS attack on our domain. Try to log into the game after maintenance is over.
    We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

  • #82753


    Thank you for the update Agent 008. I was able to get in after this.

    Now after a couple weeks I am having this issue again. This time I am getting “Connection reset” or it fails to load. I can not even access the login/logout page.

    To be able to log in right now to post this I had to leave my connection, and switch to another internet connect to be able to log in. Once I got logged in I am able to switch back to my normal connection and continue as usual. If I log out or close the page I will be stuck trying to get back in again.

  • #82754


    To add to what I just posted above. I am logged in still, and just tried to go back into the game. It failed to load the game as it could not establish the secure connection, and I got the blank page with the un happy face in the middle again. I am not in the mood to leave my house again to switch the connection to get back into the game…LOL.

    My guess is as soon as I close this browser page I will also lose this connection until I am able to go out to a new connection to reset it.

  • #82782


    Its been hours, and finally was able to get back in. This is difficult considering I can not protect my city during these server lockouts

  • #82790



    I didn’t quite understand your explanation. From your words, I conclude that the problem is in your Internet connection.

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