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Rakshasa is down ?

Forums Dark Omen Technical issues Rakshasa is down ?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  FuNNy_KiJiN 6 years, 1 month ago.

  • Author
  • #1846


    Is there an update in progress in Rakshasa ?
    The game won’t load. Not even the flashplayer is loading. Is there any fix on the way?

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 2 months ago by  20541213.
    Last edited: 29.09.2018 01:17
  • #1848


    Hi, if I understand correctly you mean Rakshasa (the game). If it so, please ask this question on Rakshasa’s forum.

    Last edited: 29.09.2018 01:17
  • #1925


    sorry i search forum for rakshasa street but not found… my rakshasa street already login but at blank screen only change server and buy ingot can be click… any issued??? or maintenance… before that happen there is popup error loading map

    Last edited: 29.09.2018 01:17
  • #1983


    sorry i search forum for rakshasa street but not found… my rakshasa street already login but at blank screen only change server and buy ingot can be click… any issued??? or maintenance… before that happen there is popup error loading map

    Hi, forum was added to the portal – https://espritgames.com/forum/go/rakshasa/

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 1 month ago by  FuNNy_KiJiN.
    Last edited: 29.09.2018 01:17

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