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Best Hero against Drunk Panda

Forums Dragon Lord Discussions Best Hero against Drunk Panda

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Van Mora 4 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #16067

    Van Mora

    Drunk Panda always ends up in the hero dungeon or mount trial. It seems so powerful because of the fire which lessens ur hp a lot even when they dont attack you. Im wondering what is the best hero to fight against it. Thx

  • #16068


    Goddess of Wisdom.

  • #16069

    Van Mora

    lol im not vip tho

  • #16084


    Neither am I.

    Storm Spirit or Flora Queen can also be useful against Drunk Panda opponents in dungeons. Drunk Panda attacks front row typically, and Storm Spirit heals that and strengthens the DEF of the heroes. Flora Queen heals whole team, that is slightly more useful here than Amaranth. You can also use tanks like Light Summoner, Heavy Cavalryman, Spartan, or Undead Skeleton, in the front row. However, if you want to clear the burning, then the fifth cleric skill, Blessed Touch, can be useful. That clears most debuffs, although it has had problems with removing the stone curse status.

    However, the one time when the panda boss transforms into a dragon in Mount Trial is a bit different. There, it’s easier to have a healer at back and keep main in front on cleric or something, tanking the dragon. However, the challenge there is slightly different from the typical drunk panda bosses, that aren’t typically that difficult.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by  Which.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by  Which.
  • #16189

    Van Mora

    ok thank u

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