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Reply To: Was the fk u guys doing ? S13 PST broken all event.

Forums League of Angels 3 Technical issues Was the fk u guys doing ? S13 PST broken all event. Reply To: Was the fk u guys doing ? S13 PST broken all event.



All main event broke after you guys did update on S13 PST on Feb 11 Yesterday.

– X Server Angel Fortune = I SPend alot money to buy spin, it not even working now
– World Boss = never worked since day 1, I was hoping it was fixed yesterday after Maintenance but never fixed
– All x Server event, X server hero league, X server Mine Wars, Cross Raider, Conquest, Hero League

-I have spend money to hope you guys fixing this issue but if none of this is fix. I am very mad and sad, I will be refunding all the money I spend. I love the game and Will be spending more if all the issue is fixed. If it isn’t fix before today end, I lose all money I spend on event.

Look at the ticket I submit . the

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